Facilitates with: Negativity & Stagnancy

Blackened White Sage Dressed In Cedar With Mullein

White Sage is known to dispel negativity, and can be used for cleansing, purifying, and granting protection.

Cedar Benefits: Healing the ill, provides spiritual dedication, stillness of the mind allowing focus, clarity and presence "being exactly where you need to be- here and now.

Mullein Benefits: Protection within necromancy, stimulates courage and elevates anxiety associated with nightmares.


Facilitates with: Removes & Protects

Dragon's Blood Sage Adorned in Flowers

Dragon's Blood is often associated with banishing lower frequencies within the physical realm as well as the spiritual realm.

Dragon's Blood Benefits: Amplification, healing of a variety of ailments and wounds.


Facilitates with: Purification & Aiding the sick

Cedar Dressed in Cinnamon and Orange

Known to gift the sickly a dose of spiritual healing. Cedar purifies the air as well as assists in the recovery of health.

Cinnamon Benefits: Cultivates a space of abundance and protection. Stimulates the mind, and then later activates the sacral chakra.

Orange Benefits: Uplifting, cleanses the environment and the auric field, while reestablishing a "sweetness". Promotes awareness, creativity and optimism.
